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Sunday Musings

July 21, 2013

A boy goes into a girl’s restroom.

Sounds like the beginning of a joke.  Actually it’s the punchline.

It takes a tremendous amount of intelligence to be this stupid.


If we don’t take the pain of changing the current economic situation now, the system is going to deliver a pain we can’t imagine later.


It’s quite a statement of our times when the heterosexuals are clamoring to get divorced, while the homosexuals are clamoring to get married.


The globe is warming, the seas are rising, and the polar caps are melting…only they aren’t.  I think that’s what we used to call “irrational.”


Obamacare was never designed to work.  Come on, over 2000 pages written by special interest groups passed by a Congress with an approval rating of less than 14% that a majority of the American people never wanted?  It’s about the rescue that will be a “Single Payer” system, which the Progressives meant it to be all along.


Trayvon Trivia:  If people were really concerned about gun violence affecting black youths, they would be marching in the streets on the south side of Chicago.


For Obama to be failing as President, you would have to believe he was trying to achieve something else.


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